Royalty and their Bleating
Much has been written recently about how Meghan, Prince Harry's wife, has been treated by the media. Is this fair or not?
The Royal Family is 'stinking rich'. We are talking hundreds of millions here. Look up the full stats.
Tax-payers get very upset when they learn that they are on the hook for anything other than ceremonial expenditures which help the Politics and Economy of the Country. Private jets, vacations and private parties should never be paid for to anyone in the Royal Family unless it directly serves the UK. Private home renovations to suit the whims and fancies of the owners should not be paid for or subsidized either. At the end of the 18th. Century the French got very upset about such a whole similar scenario!
We are in a world now where almost every Country has a top-heavy Economy. Much of the wealth is in the top 10% or less in most Countries. This includes Dictatorships and Democracies alike.
The social structure in most Countries is bleeding and this is creating worldwide stress. The inherent inequalities are becoming a danger to the overall security of the world.
Meghan.. live with it! You are not used to privacy and you will, furthermore, not get it in your present situation. You are a 'taker' as are so many.
BTW, many underline all this with the argument that British Royalty contributes so much to the Economy in the form of Tourism. This may be true but their "old money" is a legacy of a very suspect history. Also, a great many British 'Stately Homes' and their vast estates were largely created from the Slavetrade triangle in the 17th. 18th. and early 19th. centuries. Should such be continually celebrated in our increasing PC world?