Tuesday, September 24, 2019

"Greta Thunberg’s speech on generational injustice shone a spotlight on an emerging political faultline" This refers to the ongoing dangerous progression of Climate Change today.

We have seen student protests on different 'burning' issues before...Perhaps not quite as poignant as this but it deserves a balanced comment: 

The key issue is the sustaining of momentum. All too often things fizzle out. Kids grow up, some change their outlook and some descend into complacency. Once these protesters reach voting age they MUST vote to further their aims...sadly this often does not optimally happen. We all know the scenario. Kids leave school or college and get jobs. The goal is to achieve some degree of financial stability and independence. Some soon marry and start raising a family. Because of this, the original idealism may start to fade. Voting habits may start to be tied to the policies of the employer. Sometimes the employer does not have much of a green conscience.

Yes, it is their future but they must be keenly aware of the importance of the momentum referred to above. Every generation goes through something like this. Let us all hope that this time things will unfold in a more productive fashion. The stimulation will happen to them and I do think it will spur them on. I am 73 but I care for all of them. They deserve better! 

Unfortunately, wealth and power are too top-heavy in most Countries...the slope will be very steep. And we do not have time on our hands!

Well done Greta! Very brave...very impressive.

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